Screenshot of D Lines website
Screenshot of D Lines website
Screenshot of D Lines website

Web Design, Advertising

D Lines Trucking

Nov 21, 2023


Designed and created a stunning landing page for job applicants.

The Client

D Lines Trucking is a local trucking company in Effingham, IL. They service most of Central Illinois for many different types of trucking needs.

The Challenge

D Lines had open positions for drivers that they were looking to be filled. They initially contacted my associate, Christy Hakman about running some digital advertising campaigns to fill these positions. Christy came to me and asked if I could create a landing page to send the traffic to.

My Approach

Since D Lines was only hiring for one job position, and the position had to have a specific requirement to apply, I designed the landing page content to solely address that one customer profile. The page needed to give basic information about the job position, the specific requirement the applicant's needing, and other information about the company. The landing page also had to be designed to be user-friendly and converting, since D Lines was sending paid traffic to it.

The Results

D Lines' ad campaign and landing page turned out to be a huge success. They were able to hire one employee and interviewed 3 others for different positions, all of which are highly qualified. The client was very satisfied about the results from the landing page, and is interested in having me expand the page into a full site.


Ready to get started?

Schedule a free discovery call where we will breakdown a full marketing analysis of your business to see if we would be a good fit to work together.